Mumbai Indians today unveiled its official playing kit for the upcoming season of the Indian Premier League (IPL 2023). Conceptualized by designer duo Shantanu & Nikhil, the new jersey captures the essence of Mumbai in the iconic blue & gold colours.
Speaking on the unveiling, Mumbai Indians Spokesperson, said, “Our team jersey is a reflection of the ethos of Mumbai Indians. Over the years, Mumbai Indians have been home to many aspirations which have emerged as inspiring stories. This is synonymous to the spirit of Mumbai which opens its arms with opportunities to every individual who dreams and believes in his future. We look forward to stepping onto the field with the support and passion of our fans as we don this jersey.”
Shantanu and Nikhil said, “Amidst the hustles and blinding glamour of the city, there lies a dream. A dream so strong that drives a culture forward. Millions commuting from comfort to the brink of breakdowns that eventually converts their saw dust aspirations to flickering gold. A city surrounded by depth of Arabian Sea and heights of human aspirations that reportedly never sleeps. If India was a poet, Mumbai is the verse that makes it a legend with each dreamer contributing syllables weaving in a beautiful poetry.
This year’s MI jersey celebrates that dream. Carefully picking elements almost synonymous to the city like the famous Kaali Peeli ride, Sea link, a skyline that makes people gaze in awe for hours and the spirit to continue expanding our goals. Bringing in the euphoria of Street into prints, the gold line navigates its path on jersey like every dreamer who zig zags in the city running behind dreams, eventually meeting their best selves,” he added.