Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) on Wednesday announced that it has signed wire and cable manufacturer RR Kabel as its official sponsor ahead of the 14th edition of the Indian Premier League (IPL 2021) which scheduled to start from 9 April. As part of the deal, RR Kabel’s branding will be featured on the trousers of all KKR team players for IPL 2021.
“The Eastern region markets are critical for RR Kabel where we are strengthening our market position further and what better way to execute this than an association with cricket. This strategic collaboration gives us a great opportunity to promote our brand to a larger audience,” Kirti Kabra, director, RR Global said.
Kaustubh Jha, marketing head, Kolkata Knight Riders, said, “RR Kabel is one of the most prestigious brands globally and we are elated that they chose to partner with KKR for their first IPL. We aim to forge a strong partnership and create great value for the brands who collaborate with us.”